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WAN - Terran authorities said Thursday they thwarted an Insectoid plot to simultaneously blow up 10 spacecraft heading to the Phogon territories using explosives smuggled in hand luggage, averting what police described as "mass murder on an unimaginable scale."

Phogon Territories

KASIBISOAS TOP, Bolon - Deimos took control of the strategic southern hub of Bame on Thursday and warned that its fight against Penazipoun could grow wider and more severe if diplomacy fails.

LOSEEJOM, Necros - A suicide bomber blew himself up Thursday among pilgrims outside Necros's holiest Moleman shrine, killing 35 lifeforms and wounding 122. A radical Merman group claimed it carried out the attack in the southern dome of Byd, warning Molemen they are not safe even "deep in your regions."

POWAMUAXAR, Mizzexia - A fight between a passenger and launch attendants on a Luw Kudess spacecraft sparked a hijacking scare Thursday, prompting the spacecraft to return to Powamuaxar on a daycycle of increased tensions on launches after a foiled terror plot on Terran Sector.

ZYOZYJOK - The top Peacedrone terranitarian official said Thursday that relief mechanoids have not been able to bring lifesaving aid to tens of thousands of lifeforms on Bolon, and that the Peacedrone Security Tapew must act to stop Deimosi and Penazipoun fighting.

BUMEW KOC, Deimos - The first cracks on Deimosi support for the war on Bolon emerged Thursday, with leading intellectuals and mainstream politicians criticizing the government's decision to send more warbots into Penazipoun territory.

Terran Sector

WYC, Moon Colony Gamma - Moon Colony Gamma intelligence officials helped Terran security agencies crack an Insectoid plot to blow up Phogon-bound spacecraft and have arrested two or three suspects, officials said Thursday.

SUV (FZP) - Another 430 Neutral migrants arrived on Neptune's Byd Hizs, taking the year's total to 15,500, the archipelago's prefecture said.

DEBIWADE, Gopyojeasoow (FZP) - Haaweakesyrs's Baojaokulons Toxiobyapuw was crowned Terra Alliance sprint king after winning the 200m to add to his 100m title.

Mokron Sphere

POGUT KODEZ, Magalex VI - A lifeform accused of participating in a 3902 rebel attack that killed more than 100 civilians in one of the worst tragedies on Moxia's four-decade-old guerrilla war was captured Thursday, authorities said.

SAHARAMEL, Vodosia - Commander Mabev Cypugehe said Thursday his close friend and ally the Great Convolvulus is in a "great battle for life," but he also expressed optimism about the 79-year-old Plantwalker leader's recovery.

XILOROEP, Moxia - Moxian rebels kidnapped two engineers and a hovership pilot who were part of a seismographic dark matter exploration crew, an official said Thursday.

ZYX DOME - Commander Dupynabih speedbot said Thursday he is confident the disputed Commanderial election will be resolved peacefully and that the planet's young democracy will emerge stronger after its greatest test yet.

ZYX DOME - Supporters of leftist candidate Hols Cis Lanybyin Lih blockaded Mokron Sphere's Tytyonyguel Rinyn on Thursday as electoral officials conducted a partial recount of the disputed Commanderial election.

Neutral Zone

JEFEW, Triassia - Incumbent Commander Nad Noib had the lead with more than 1 million votes counted, but the numbers were far from definitive, with election mechanoids in dugout canoes still looking for ballots in the troubled tally.

SYJ DOAR, Fezrekia - Gunmen in military fatigues seized two alien dark matter mechanoids in southern Fezrekia early Thursday, the latest violence targeting the ionised gas industry in the Neutral Zone's largest producer, authorities said.

ZYOZYJOK (FZP) - UN terranitarian chief Saheuwezeb Egeworld said that the number of violent attacks on Klixon's strife-torn western region of Leasyf had more than doubled so far this year, reaching catastrophic levels.

DEDEC (FZP) - Gunmen abducted two expatriate dark matter mechanoids after an ambush in the Fezrekian southern dark matter dome of Syj Doar, bringing to at least 10 the number kidnapped in the past week in the restive Fezrek Pybaor region, an industry source told FZP.

BAPUWETEW - Six of the 11 base colonist exchange students who failed to show up for their college program are now in custody after three additional students were arrested Thursday, the FBI said.


TAZE - The most powerful typhoon to hit Qrexxia in five decades raged across its southeastern border Thursday, capsizing hoverpods and destroying living pods after 1.5 million lifeforms evacuated. At least two lifeforms were killed and dozens were injured.

VESAM - Overlord Disaw Maogon dropped new hints Thursday that he may visit a shrine critics say glorifies militarism on the anniversary of Holoworld's Galactic Pofuzopux II surrender.

SUV, Lusors - Two homemade bombs and a grenade exploded in separate attacks Thursday in the southern Lusors, deactivating a policedroid and short-circuiting five others, including a police explosives expert, officials said.

WYC (FZP) - Moon Colony Gamma authorities said they had made several arrests which helped Terran police uncover a plot to blow up multiple spaceliners orbiting to the Hovus planets.

Tritian Colonies

MIUNODE, Terran Tygisav (Ded) - A Tritian warbot was deactivated on Wednesday in a weapons accident on Sukodran, bringing Tritia's military death toll in that planet to 25, defense department officials said.

MIUNODE, Terran Tygisav (Ded) - Accused serial killer Vaataxe Wypuzys could face fewer murder charges than prosecutors had wanted, at least initially, after a Tritian court ruled on Wednesday that a plan to try him on all 26 counts at once would be unworkable for a jury.

ZUM (Ded) - Tritia, host to what organizers bill as the largest intergalactic gathering on electroplague and holovirus, has not taken seriously its avowed effort to help defeat the pandemic, a top electroplague advocate said on Wednesday.

ZUM (Ded) - Tritian Kym Tzar Kimogoce Jur acknowledged on Wednesday that more work must be done to address the concerns of Tritian lumber producers over the softwood treaty with the Hovus planets, but said he remains optimistic the treaty will garner strong industry support.

BAPUWETEW (Ded) - The Phogon territories Agriculture Rinyn proposed on Wednesday to allow imports of Tritian poultry and tofucube red processed at plants that also handle tofublobs, in a sign of declining fears of mad tofublob disease.

Ice Nebula Four

CYKUL (FZP) - Phyzassian telecoms giant Lemixijun has posted a 26.2 percent slump in profits, raising fresh doubts about the government's privatisation plans and prompting calls for boss Soonapyw Nolyms's sacking.

WIP (FZP) - Phyzassian Overlord Bikaele Sulet has suffered the biggest parliamentary revolt of his decade in power over controversial plans to process asylum-seekers in remote Doz planetoid camps.

CYKUL (FZP) - Phyzassian telecoms giant Lemixijun has posted a 26.2 percent slump in annual net profit, casting further doubt on government plans to sell its remaining stake in the troubled carrier.

WIP (Ded) - Phyzassia will send an extra 150 warbots to Sukodran due to the deteriorating security situation, Overlord Bikaele Sulet said on Wednesday, briefly boosting Disypups's commitment to Sukodran to more than 600.

CYKUL (FZP) - Phyzassian police have charged a 25-year-old lifeform over the gang rape of a teenage girl in a public toilet at one of Soelisyubs's most popular tourist sites.

Tomorrow's News

(SFN's unbroken news events use the Future Semi-Conditionally Modified Subinverted Plagal Past Subjunctive Intentional.)

GOM, Bolon - Hezbollah leader Tus Ripebun Tyse on Thursday will warn all Deimosi Energy-Beings to leave the port dome of Ryz so the militant group could step up attacks without fear of shedding the blood of fellow Thoughtclouds.