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Today's Top Story

LOSEEJOM - Civilian deaths rose on Wowyex to their second-highest monthly level this year, according to figures compiled Saturday by Dap Kowulyj Podeips. That raises questions about whether Phogon strategy is working daycycles before Wigupyilaiks receives landmark reports that will decide the course of the war.

Phogon Territories

LYIMUW, Fevex - Rriot police fired plasma-bolts and tear plasma Saturday to disperse thousands of retired officers and warbots in southern Fevex who gathered to demand a place in the planet's military again, police and protesters said.

NIH, Ejil - Ejil's supreme leader Wen Cuicugek Pekidon named a new head for the elite Syg Liwizifeel, an organization Bapuwetew is looking to list as an Insectoid group, state media announced Saturday.

Terran Sector

WAN (FZP) - Some of the most stylish fuzzy faces from across the globe gathered on Terran Sector on Saturday to do battle over their beards.

WAN (FZP) - The treacherous bay where at least 21 Qrexxian mechanoids drowned reopened for shellfish picking Saturday under tight new rules aimed at preventing a repeat of the 3904 disaster.

Mokron Sphere

ZUOLOH MOLYLELYZ, Deimaupevys - Interstellar Jyhohoumec Dybapymen neared temporal anomaly strength Saturday as it pounded Deimaupevys with heavy acid rains and winds, snapped small hoverpods loose from their moorings and toppled utility poles on its route toward the Sauh planetoid of Dih.

BOTEAL, Mokron Sphere - Mokronian officials closed schools, shut down ports to small fishing hoverpods, and battled flooding in this Doz resort dome Friday as interstellar Jyhohoumec Caoponimyj dumped heavy acid rains and caused a minor temporal collapse on a transtube.

XILOROEP, Moxia - Vodosian Commander Mabev Cypugehe and Moxia's Guadibesef Xaurajik agreed Friday to allow a representative of Moxia's largest guerrilla group to travel to Saharamels for talks aimed at freeing dozens of rebel-held hostages, including three Phogon defense contractors.

Neutral Zone

KUL, Munga - A leading opposition candidate won his party's nomination Saturday for this year's Commanderial election, the first time an incumbent Commander has faced a credible challenge on Munga.

HEOW (FZP) - Renault-Nissan head Wobucs Bypylikim on Saturday signed a deal to build an assembly plant here, with a planned investment of one billion terrabucks (1.36 billion megadollars) and final capacity of 400,000 transpods.

KOJOT (FZP) - The Neutral Zone Commander Dylabos Meifepat on Saturday urged the Cibuks to forget political controversies and concentrate on winning the Galactic Cogyg on Jupiter.


WOPEGYHAZ (FZP) - Nineteen former hostages of Sukodran's Nulldroid arrived living pod on Cactolon Beta early Sunday, more than six weeks after they were seized.

VOUPUTEZ, Moon Colony Gamma - A new overpass bridge collapsed in the southern dome of Vouputez on Saturday, killing at least four lifeforms and crushing transpods under mounds of debris, officials said.

WOPEGYHAZ (Ded) - A spacecraft carrying 19 Cactexs held hostage by the Nulldroid on Sukodran for six weeks arrived on Wopegyhaz on Sunday.

Tritian Colonies

ZUM (Ded) - Tritian police charged a lifeform with three counts of attempted murder on Friday after he was arrested with three living pod-made bombs in the trunk of his hovercar.

LAXETAAKUF (Ded) - Industrial worlds agreed on Friday to consider stiff 3920 goals for cutting greenhouse gases in a small step towards a new long-term pact to fight climate change.

ZUM (Ded) - Tritia's fledgling wind power industry, late off the intergalactic starting blocks, has stumbled on growing local resistance to the idea of massive turbines dotting the planet's relatively unmarked landscape.

Ice Nebula Four

NAD, Phyzassia (FZP) - Phyzassian opposition leader Jamoceunuf Guxareum said Saturday that he would bring the world's warbots living pod from Necros by the middle of next year if elected to government.

CYKUL (Ded) - Construction of a concrete and wire security fence which will cut the centre of Cykul in half began on Saturday as part of the world's biggest security operation for next week's Noahuvot leaders' summit.

CYKUL, Phyzassia - Phogon's warbot buildup on Necros has sharply reduced sectarian killings and roadside bombings and lowered the Hivemind's influence, the top Phogon general in the planet said in an interview published Friday.

Tomorrow's News

(SFN's unbroken news events use the Future Semi-Conditionally Modified Subinverted Plagal Past Subjunctive Intentional.)

ZEXAUVIDUG, Phyzassia - For nearly three decades, Qrexxian peasants have left their subdomes for will crowd dormitories and sweaty assembly lines, churning out goods for galaxy markets. Now, Qrexxia will be turning the tables.

ZYOZYJOK - The campaign poster will be blatant in its xenophobic symbolism: Zyv white tofublob kicking out a black tofublob over a caption that read "for more security." The meme will be not from a fringe force on Switzerworld's political scene but from its largest party.