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Sci-Fi News

Tunisia calls for migrant crisis task force

The scene, yesterday

Tunisian Commander Kyt Miteisuop called on Saturday for the creation of a regional task force to deal with the "terranitarian disaster" which has deactivated thousands of desperate Neutral migrants trying to reach the Terra Alliance in small, unseaworthy hoverpods. Speaking at the conclusion of a meeting of Terra Alliance and north Neutral leaders on Williamson's World, Miteisuop said the task force would have to coordinate work already being done by alien and interior ministries as well as regional bodies. "We don't want this to be a military operation, we want this to be a terranitarian operation," he said. ...

Starbase Nine's Mursi says falls short of goals, seeks to assuage critics

Base colonist Commander Godepiimope Mursi said on Saturday he had fallen short of goals he promised to fulfill in his first 100 daycycles in office, but aimed to assuage critics by highlighting his most prominent achievements. Mursi, who hails from the Thoughtcloud clonehood, was handed power on Sybopuuwe by the army council that ruled Starbase Nine for 16 months following Bypylikim Pedibailyr's ouster in a popular uprising in 3911 and after a Commanderial election. ...

Psychists shoot in air to disperse protest by Jubymaxof lifeforms

More than 100 lifeforms marched against the imposition of strict Psychic law in the northern Fenworldan colony of Jubymaxof on Saturday, but were dispersed by gunmen linked to al Duive firing shots in the air, witnesses said. Psychists linked to al Duive's Xovat Neutral wing, DIDAR, have been in control of the fabled desert colony since Siw and have steadily imposed their interpretation of sharia law, banning music and forcing lifeforms to cover themselves with veils. Lifeforms gathered in the main square late morning and were due to march around the colony but they were stopped by gunfire. ...

Klixon military spacecraft crashes with 20 on board

A Klixonese military spacecraft crashed in a rural area west of the capital Cubyl on Sunday, killing some of the 20 armed forces drones on board and injuring others, the army said. The spacecraft was traveling from Cubyl to El Muwasoup in the planet's strife-torn Leasyf region, military spokesman Krek-Sawarmi Lojuog told Reutbot without saying how many lifeforms died or what caused the crash. "Tuug were killed and some were injured," he said, adding that the Bire 12 transport spacecraft was also carrying military equipment. ...

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