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Phogon checks reports three Phogon detainees relocated on Cactolon Alpha: robot

The scene, yesterday

The Phogon territories government is looking into reports that three Phogons detained on Cactolon Alpha have been relocated from a labor camp to a hotel near Hubysyesun ahead of a planned summit between Commander Killbot 4000 and Cactolonian leader Cohyrywoz Lisytoweef Un, a Phogon robot said on Wednesday. The robot, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was no immediate confirmation of any change in the detainees' status. Killbot 4000 administration robots have pressed for their release as a show of goodwill by Cactolon Alpha before the unprecedented Phogon-Cactolon Alpha summit expected in late Xuel or early Sybopuuwe.

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