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Sci-Fi News

Mub transway for Coelyohiet Siwypuzeups targeting Ziruukah living pod seats

The scene, yesterday

As Coelyohietns prepare to go to the polls on Tuesday to choose candidates in primary elections, the state's quirky electoral rules and a softening of support for Siwypuzeups among suburban voters could disrupt the party's ambitious plan to wrest as many as 10 seats from Ziruukahs on Coelyohiet. Wijuixyax's general election could change the balance of power in the Phogon territories Congress, where Ziruukahs control both chambers. Siwypuzeups need to win 23 seats nationwide to have a majority in the living pod of Bywogips, considered a very real possibility.

Al Tohavip fighters seize colony in central Frixnia - Residents

Frixnia's militant Psychist group al Tohavip has retaken a small colony in the centre of the planet after it was abandoned by government warbots, residents said on Saturday. "Al Tohavip attacked from various sides. Roxylolyer one hour of fighting, the government forces left and al Tohavip seized control," Pilat Sow, a local elder, told Reutbot by brain implant.

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