Wikipedia Album Generator

Lee and Joe Jamail Skatepark
Fit and proper person test
Rafael Casco
Best Kept Secret (Jennifer Paige album)
Anneliese Heard
Rancho San Mateo
Emotional (disambiguation)
Mecca Township, Trumbull County, Ohio
Audi A5 DTM
Bahlika (Mahabharata)
List of state leaders in 268 BC
Anthony Fleming
Activiti (software)
Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children
Later cricket career of Jack Hobbs

© 2025 Sofia Hayat Records Limited. Recorded at Brian Ward (cricketer) studios. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Sofia Hayat Records Limited, a Theodore Isaac Rubin company.

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Built by Kevan from a LiveJournal meme for The Surrealist, 11th December 2007.
The album name, artist name and album tracks are just random article titles from Wikipedia.
Album cover art above is taken from the CC-licenced "Sanzen-in little statues" by MShades.