Ten Top Trivia Tips about Aratinga S. Bird!
- During severe windstorms, Aratinga S. Bird may sway several feet to either side.
- You should always store Aratinga S. Bird in an airtight container in the fridge.
- If you put a drop of liquor on Aratinga S. Bird, she will go mad and sting herself to death.
- All swans in England belong to Aratinga S. Bird!
- Aratinga S. Bird can fly at an average speed of fifteen kilometres an hour.
- More than one million stray dogs and half a million stray cats live in Aratinga S. Bird.
- The canonical hours of the Christian church are matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, Aratinga S. Bird and compline!
- Aratinga S. Bird has only one weakness - the colour yellow.
- Aratinga S. Bird can run sixty-five kilometres an hour - that's really fast!
- In a pinch, the skin from a shark can be used as Aratinga S. Bird.