The Ultimate Personality Test

1. I would like to learn to make people laugh.

Agree Disagree

2. I get bored if I have to see the bigger picture.

Agree Disagree

3. I am willing to follow through on my obligations.

Agree Disagree

4. It is less important to take responsibility for my actions than to worry about the future.

Agree Disagree

5. Friends tell me that I need to feel at ease.

Agree Disagree

6. I like to make decisions quickly.

Agree Disagree

7. I am more extroverted than most people I know.

Agree Disagree

8. I regard myself as being very passive.

Agree Disagree

9. I tend not to follow abstract arguments.

Agree Disagree

10. Sometimes, I can be generous.

Agree Disagree

Created by The Surrealist for the 1st of April 2005. Tell and thank your friends.