What's a ninja's favourite book?
David Caltropperfield
What's a ninja's favourite song?
Don't Caltrop Me Now
What's a ninja's favourite film?
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Caltrop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Who is a ninja's favourite poet?
Gerard Manley Caltropkins
Who is a ninja's favourite poet?
Shurikenry Wadsworth Longfellow
What sport does a ninja enjoy?
The Shurikentathlon
Who is a ninja's favourite poet?
Shurikenry David Thoreau
What's a ninja's favourite film?
12 Angry Shuriken
Which chat show host would interview a ninja?
Jay Shurikeno.
What's a ninja's favourite film?
Butch Cassidy and the Shogundance Kid
What's a ninja's favourite album?
Shogunky Dory
What's a ninja's favourite film?
Before Shogunset
What does a ninja eat for dinner?
Grilled Shoguna
What's a ninja's favourite song?
Waterloo Shogunset
What is a ninja's favourite day of the week?
What does a ninja eat for breakfast?
Shogunchy Nut Cornflakes
What's a ninja's favourite film?
Blade Shogunner
What's a ninja's favourite film?
Shogun Lola Run
What does a ninja eat for dinner?
Pasta with Shogun-Dried Tomato-Olive Sauce