eBay Feedback Generator

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Here are ten 120-character pieces of feedback:-

The item was outstanding and superb. Delivery was notably swift. Very, very magnificent packaging. Would buy from again.
The item was super. The packaging was very, very excellent. Notably good delivery. Wish all sellers were this excellent.
Exceptionally first-rate quality. The packaging was notably marvellous. Quick to send. Seller is fantastic and splendid.
Item is of outstanding quality. Very, very fast dispatch. The packaging was exceptionally lovely. Exceptionally pleased.
Excellent quality. Fantastic packaging. Very, very quick dispatch. A remarkably first-class seller. Exceptional service.
Item was of splendid quality. Immensely magnificent packaging. Remarkably swift delivery. A very, very fantastic seller.
Exceptionally excellent quality. Swift delivery. Great packaging. A very, very exceptional seller. Would buy from again.
Item is of superior quality. Good delivery. The packaging was notably magnificent. Wish all sellers were this excellent.
Item was of the most first-class quality! Remarkably fast dispatch. Packaging was super. An immensely first-rate seller.
Exceptionally superior quality! Very, very fine packaging. Very, very speedy dispatch. Wish all sellers were this super.

Implemented by Kevan at the suggestion of Matt Green, 24th April 2005.
Part of The Surrealist collection.