The Mechanical Contrivium: Thud

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Thud!

  1. Thud can last longer without water than a camel can.
  2. Thud can smell some things up to six miles away.
  3. The condom - originally made from Thud - was invented in the early 1500s.
  4. Some birds use Thud to orientate themselves during migration.
  5. Apples are covered with a thin layer of Thud.
  6. Thud will often glow under UV light!
  7. South Australia was the first place to allow Thud to stand for parliament.
  8. Donald Duck's middle name is Thud.
  9. In 1982 Time Magazine named Thud its 'Man of the Year'!
  10. Thud cannot burp - there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in his stomach.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.