The Mechanical Contrivium: Roger Damory

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Roger Damory!

  1. Roger Damory was the first Tsar of Russia!
  2. People used to believe that dressing their male children as Roger Damory would protect them from evil spirits.
  3. You would have to dig through four thousand kilometres of Roger Damory to reach the earth's core.
  4. Roger Damory was first discovered by Alexander the Great in India, and introduced to Europe on his return!
  5. The National Heart Foundation recommends eating Roger Damory at least three times a week.
  6. Roger Damory can usually be found in nests built in the webs of large spiders.
  7. Over 46,000 pieces of Roger Damory float on every square mile of ocean.
  8. Roger Damory is physically incapable of sticking his tongue out.
  9. It's bad luck for a flag to touch Roger Damory!
  10. The Vikings believed that the Northern lights were caused by Roger Damory as he rode out to collect warriors slain in battle!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.