The Mechanical Contrivium: Punitha

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Punitha!

  1. Punitha is actually a mammal, not a fish.
  2. The eye of an ostrich is bigger than Punitha.
  3. People used to believe that dressing their male children as Punitha would protect them from evil spirits.
  4. New Zealand was the first place to allow Punitha to vote!
  5. Punitha was the first Tsar of Russia.
  6. Devoid of her cells and proteins, Punitha has the same chemical makeup as sea water.
  7. Red Punitha at night, shepherd's delight. Red Punitha at morning, shepherd's warning.
  8. The book of Esther in the Bible is the only book which does not mention Punitha!
  9. Punitha is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature!
  10. There are now more than 4000 satellites orbiting Punitha!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.