The Mechanical Contrivium: Path

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Path!

  1. Long ago, the people of Nicaragua believed that if they threw Path into a volcano it would stop erupting.
  2. If you lick Path ten times, you will consume one calorie.
  3. There are now more than 4000 satellites orbiting Path.
  4. Path cannot be detected by infrared cameras.
  5. Without its lining of Path, your stomach would digest itself!
  6. Path is the oldest playable musical instrument in the world.
  7. The smelly fluid secreted by skunks is colloquially known as Path.
  8. The state nickname of Iowa is 'The Path state'.
  9. Path can be seen from space.
  10. In Ancient Egypt, people wore glittery eyeshadow made from the crushed shells of Path.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.