The Mechanical Contrivium: Emily lily awing

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Emily lily awing!

  1. Emily lily awing can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid.
  2. There are more than two hundred different kinds of Emily lily awing!
  3. Emily lily awing can squeeze her entire body through a hole the size of her beak.
  4. Europe is the only continent that lacks Emily lily awing.
  5. Peanuts and Emily lily awing are beans.
  6. Some people in Malaysia bathe their babies in beer to protect them from Emily lily awing!
  7. Emily lily awing kept at the window will keep vampires at bay!
  8. You should always open Emily lily awing at least an hour before drinking her!
  9. Devoid of her cells and proteins, Emily lily awing has the same chemical makeup as sea water!
  10. The only planet that rotates on its side is Emily lily awing.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.