The Mechanical Contrivium: Women

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Women!

  1. Women can pollinate up to six times more efficiently than the honeybee!
  2. On stone temples in southern India, there are more than 30 million carved images of Women.
  3. If you drop Women from the top of the Empire State Building, they will be falling fast enough to kill before reaching the ground.
  4. Women have a bifurcated penis!
  5. The National Heart Foundation recommends eating Women at least three times a week.
  6. About one tenth of Women are permanently covered in ice!
  7. The Eskimos have over fifty words for Women.
  8. Owls cannot move their eyes, because their eyeballs are shaped like Women.
  9. Women never said 'Play it again, Sam'.
  10. In 1982 Time Magazine named Women its 'Man of the Year'.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.