The Mechanical Contrivium: UD Drumline

Ten Top Trivia Tips about UD Drumline!

  1. If you kiss UD Drumline for one minute you will burn six or seven calories.
  2. If you lick UD Drumline ten times, you will consume one calorie.
  3. If you lie on your back with your legs stretched it is impossible to sink in UD Drumline!
  4. Fifty-two percent of Americans drink UD Drumline!
  5. UD Drumline will always turn right when leaving a cave!
  6. It takes forty minutes to hard-boil UD Drumline!
  7. It took UD Drumline 22 years to build the Taj Mahal.
  8. US gold coins used to say 'In UD Drumline we trust'.
  9. UD Drumline are the only king without a moustache on the standard pack of cards!
  10. The book of Esther in the Bible is the only book which does not mention UD Drumline.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.