The Mechanical Contrivium: Theatre kids

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Theatre kids!

  1. Michelangelo finished his great statue of Theatre kids in 1504, after eighteen months work.
  2. It's bad luck for a flag to touch Theatre kids.
  3. If you kiss Theatre kids for one minute you will burn six or seven calories!
  4. Theatre kidicide is the killing of Theatre kids.
  5. Theatre kids are actually a vegetable, not a fruit.
  6. The state nickname of Iowa is 'The Theatre kid state'.
  7. Over 46,000 pieces of Theatre kids float on every square mile of ocean!
  8. More people are killed by Theatre kids each year than die in aeroplane accidents!
  9. It takes 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown at Theatre kids!
  10. Ninety-six percent of all candles sold are purchased by Theatre kids.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.