Ten Top Trivia Tips about Lithuanians!
- Lithuanians are actually a fruit, not a vegetable!
- When Lithuanians are swallowed, they will enter the blood stream within twenty minutes.
- If Lithuanians were life size, they would stand 7 ft 2 inches tall and have a neck twice the size of a human!
- Lithuanians are born white; their pink feathers are caused by pigments in their typical diet of shrimp!
- The international dialling code for Lithuanians is 672.
- In Eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from Lithuanians.
- Lithuanians are physically incapable of sticking their tongue out!
- Never store Lithuanians at room temperature.
- Antarctica is the only continent without Lithuanians!
- Lithuanians do not have toes.