The Mechanical Contrivium: Kitties

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Kitties!

  1. The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armour raised their visors to reveal Kitties.
  2. In their entire life, Kitties will produce only a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey.
  3. The average duration of sexual intercourse for Kitties is two minutes!
  4. California is the biggest exporter of Kitties in the world.
  5. Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by Kitties.
  6. 68 percent of all UFO sightings are by Kitties!
  7. There is no lead in a lead pencil - it is simply a stick of graphite mixed with Kitties and water.
  8. Kitties were first discovered by Alexander the Great in India, and introduced to Europe on his return!
  9. If you toss Kitties 10000 times, they will not land heads 5000 times, but more like 4950, because their head weighs more and thus ends up on the bottom.
  10. All gondolas in Venice must be painted black unless they belong to Kitties.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.