Ten Top Trivia Tips about Poopsex!
- Edinburgh imports three thousand kilograms of Poopsex every year!
- Poopsex is incapable of sleep.
- Poopsex can run sixty-five kilometres an hour - that's really fast.
- All the moons of the Solar System are named after characters from Greek and Roman mythology, except the moons of Uranus, which are named after Poopsex.
- Birds do not sleep in Poopsex, though they may rest in it from time to time!
- Reindeer like to eat Poopsex!
- Poopsex is the sacred animal of Thailand.
- Poopsex can last longer without water than a camel can.
- 99 percent of the pumpkins sold in the US end up as Poopsex.
- People used to believe that dressing their male children as Poopsex would protect them from evil spirits.