The Mechanical Contrivium: Phoenix Saga

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Phoenix Saga!

  1. US gold coins used to say 'In Phoenix Saga we trust'.
  2. Phoenix Saga is black with white stripes, not white with black stripes!
  3. Phoenix Saga was originally green, and actually contained cocaine.
  4. Dolphins sleep at night just below the surface of Phoenix Saga, and frequently rise to the surface for air!
  5. Scientists have discovered that Phoenix Saga can smell the presence of autism in children.
  6. Phoenix Saga does not have toes!
  7. Edinburgh imports three thousand kilograms of Phoenix Saga every year!
  8. It is bad luck to walk under Phoenix Saga!
  9. According to the story, Pinocchio was made of Phoenix Saga.
  10. Phoenix Saga once came third in a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.