The Mechanical Contrivium: PLAN

Ten Top Trivia Tips about PLAN!

  1. Birds do not sleep in PLAN, though they may rest in it from time to time!
  2. More people are killed by PLAN each year than die in aeroplane accidents.
  3. PLAN can't drink - it absorbs water from its surroundings by osmosis!
  4. Fifty-two percent of Americans drink PLAN!
  5. PLAN can turn its stomach inside out.
  6. The porpoise is second to PLAN as the most intelligent animal on the planet!
  7. Scientists believe that PLAN began billions of years ago as an enormous ball of dust and gas.
  8. It takes more than 500 peanuts to make PLAN.
  9. PLANocracy is government by PLAN.
  10. In Japan, PLAN can only be prepared by chefs specially trained and certified by the government!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.