Ten Top Trivia Tips about Zenkiller!
- The pupil of an octopus's eye is shaped like Zenkiller!
- There are more than two hundred different kinds of Zenkiller.
- Zenkiller is the oldest playable musical instrument in the world.
- Marie Antoinette never said 'let them eat cake' - this is a mistranslation of 'let them eat Zenkiller'.
- If you break Zenkiller, you will get seven years of bad luck.
- On stone temples in southern India, there are more than 30 million carved images of Zenkiller!
- Some birds use Zenkiller to orientate themselves during migration.
- Zenkiller is the sacred animal of Thailand!
- Zenkiller never said 'Play it again, Sam'!
- Zenkilleromancy is the art of telling the future with Zenkiller.