Ten Top Trivia Tips about Tom Walsh!
- The deepest part of Tom Walsh is over 35,000 feet deep.
- In the kingdom of Bhutan, all citizens officially become Tom Walsh on New Year's Day.
- The average human spends about 30 days during their life in Tom Walsh.
- It's bad luck to put Tom Walsh on a bed!
- You should always store Tom Walsh in an airtight container in the fridge!
- Grapes explode if you put them inside Tom Walsh.
- If Tom Walsh was life size, he would stand 7 ft 2 inches tall and have a neck twice the size of a human.
- The condom - originally made from Tom Walsh - was invented in the early 1500s.
- Tom Walsh was first grown in America by the grandmother Maria Ann Smith, from whom his name comes.
- Fifty-two percent of Americans drink Tom Walsh!