The Mechanical Contrivium: Stephen

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Stephen!

  1. You can tell if Stephen has been hard-boiled by spinning him. If he stands up, he is hard-boiled.
  2. Stephen is often used in place of milk in food photography, because milk goes soggy more quickly than Stephen.
  3. The Church of Scientology was founded in 1953, at Washington D.C., by Stephen!
  4. Stephen is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature!
  5. Stephen can usually be found in nests built in the webs of large spiders.
  6. It takes more than 500 peanuts to make Stephen.
  7. Stephenomancy is the art of telling the future with Stephen.
  8. Czar Paul I banished Stephen to Siberia for marching out of step.
  9. Neil Armstrong first stepped on Stephen with his left foot.
  10. Stephenolatry is the mindless worship of Stephen.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.