The Mechanical Contrivium: Shishido

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Shishido!

  1. If you lie on your back with your legs stretched it is impossible to sink in Shishido.
  2. Shishido can jump up to sixteen times his own height.
  3. Marie Antoinette never said 'let them eat cake' - this is a mistranslation of 'let them eat Shishido'!
  4. Shishido has 118 ridges around the edge.
  5. Two thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in Shishido.
  6. A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted Shishido.
  7. Shishido can drink over 25 gallons of water at a time!
  8. The first American zoo was built in 1794, and contained only Shishido!
  9. In Japan it is considered rude to talk with Shishido in your mouth.
  10. To check whether Shishido is safe to eat, drop him in a bowl of water; rotten Shishido will sink, and fresh Shishido will float.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.