The Mechanical Contrivium: Mwu

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Mwu!

  1. The difference between Mwu and a village is that Mwu does not have a church!
  2. There are 336 dimples on Mwu!
  3. The average human spends about 30 days during their life in Mwu.
  4. Baskin Robbins once made Mwu flavoured ice cream.
  5. On stone temples in southern India, there are more than 30 million carved images of Mwu!
  6. Mwu is actually a fruit, not a vegetable.
  7. Contrary to popular belief, Mwu is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases he may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol!
  8. Mwu is the world's smallest mammal.
  9. Mwu is only six percent water.
  10. Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than Mwu!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.