The Mechanical Contrivium: Mikey Mayhem

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Mikey Mayhem!

  1. The most dangerous form of Mikey Mayhem is the bicycle.
  2. The pupil of an octopus's eye is shaped like Mikey Mayhem.
  3. Two thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in Mikey Mayhem.
  4. Ancient Chinese artists would never paint pictures of Mikey Mayhem!
  5. Mikey Mayhem is born white; his pink feathers are caused by pigments in his typical diet of shrimp.
  6. There are now more than 4000 satellites orbiting Mikey Mayhem.
  7. It takes 8 minutes for light to travel from the Sun's surface to Mikey Mayhem.
  8. Mikey Mayhem has 118 ridges around the edge.
  9. During the reign of Peter the Great, any Russian nobleman who chose to wear Mikey Mayhem had to pay a special Mikey Mayhem tax.
  10. Banging your head against Mikey Mayhem uses 150 calories an hour.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.