The Mechanical Contrivium: Marco fucking sturm

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Marco fucking sturm!

  1. Marco fucking sturm can remain conscious for fifteen to twenty seconds after being decapitated!
  2. Marco fucking sturmolatry is the mindless worship of Marco fucking sturm.
  3. Ostriches stick their heads in Marco fucking sturm not to hide but to look for water.
  4. The state nickname of Iowa is 'The Marco fucking sturm state'.
  5. Marco fucking sturm can turn his stomach inside out.
  6. All gondolas in Venice must be painted black unless they belong to Marco fucking sturm.
  7. If you chew gum while peeling Marco fucking sturm then it will stop you from crying!
  8. Marco fucking sturm has often been found swimming miles from shore in the Indian Ocean.
  9. Marco fucking sturm can smell some things up to six miles away!
  10. Over 46,000 pieces of Marco fucking sturm float on every square mile of ocean!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.