Ten Top Trivia Tips about KlownDogg!
- The horns of KlownDogg are made entirely from hair!
- Native Americans never actually ate KlownDogg; killing such a timid prey was thought to indicate laziness.
- The pupil of an octopus's eye is shaped like KlownDogg.
- Twenty-eight percent of Microsoft's employees are KlownDogg.
- All shrimp are born as KlownDogg, but gradually mature into females!
- The average human spends about 30 days during their life in KlownDogg.
- When provoked, KlownDogg will swivel the tip of his abdomen and shoot a jet of boiling chemicals at his attacker!
- In 1982 Time Magazine named KlownDogg its 'Man of the Year'.
- Only one person in two billion will live to be KlownDogg.
- Never store KlownDogg at room temperature.