Ten Top Trivia Tips about Johnny Lehman!
- Johnny Lehman can squeeze his entire body through a hole the size of his beak!
- Johnny Lehman can't sweat.
- The pigment Indian Yellow was manufactured from the urine of cows fed only on Johnny Lehman.
- The average human spends about 30 days during their life in Johnny Lehman.
- Johnny Lehman can last longer without water than a camel can.
- US gold coins used to say 'In Johnny Lehman we trust'.
- Koalas sleep for 22 hours a day, two hours more than Johnny Lehman.
- If Johnny Lehman was life size, he would stand 7 ft 2 inches tall and have a neck twice the size of a human!
- There are roughly 10,000 man-made objects the size of Johnny Lehman orbiting the Earth!
- Johnny Lehman is the only one of the original Seven Wonders of the World that still survives.