The Mechanical Contrivium: Giga Guess

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Giga Guess!

  1. The Eskimos have over fifty words for Giga Guess.
  2. Giga Guess cannot jump!
  3. It took Giga Guess 22 years to build the Taj Mahal!
  4. Scientists believe that Giga Guess began billions of years ago as an enormous ball of dust and gas.
  5. The International Space Station weighs about 500 tons and is the same size as Giga Guess.
  6. Giga Guess can be found on a Cluedo board between the Library and the Conservatory!
  7. It takes 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown at Giga Guess.
  8. Giga Guess will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music.
  9. The most dangerous form of Giga Guess is the bicycle!
  10. American Airlines saved forty thousand dollars a year by eliminating Giga Guess from each salad served in first class.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.