Ten Top Trivia Tips about Cock!
- Only twelve people have ever set foot on Cock.
- The book of Esther in the Bible is the only book which does not mention Cock!
- In Japan, Cock can only be prepared by chefs specially trained and certified by the government.
- It takes forty minutes to hard-boil Cock!
- The only planet that rotates on its side is Cock!
- A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted Cock.
- The pigment Indian Yellow was manufactured from the urine of cows fed only on Cock!
- Banging your head against Cock uses 150 calories an hour.
- If the Sun were the size of a beach ball then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and Cock would be as small as a pea.
- Medieval knights put the skin of Cock on their sword handles to improve the grip.