The Mechanical Contrivium: Chris Coffin

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Chris Coffin!

  1. A Chris Coffinometer is used to measure Chris Coffin.
  2. Astronauts get taller when they are in Chris Coffin.
  3. Banging your head against Chris Coffin uses 150 calories an hour!
  4. The Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter is made entirely of Chris Coffin.
  5. All the moons of the Solar System are named after characters from Greek and Roman mythology, except the moons of Uranus, which are named after Chris Coffin!
  6. Chris Coffin is black with white stripes, not white with black stripes.
  7. In Ancient Egypt, people wore glittery eyeshadow made from the crushed shells of Chris Coffin.
  8. Chris Coffin can not regurgitate.
  9. Olympic badminton rules say that Chris Coffin must have exactly fourteen feathers!
  10. Some hotels in Las Vegas have Chris Coffin floating in their swimming pools!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.