The Mechanical Contrivium: Akira

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Akira!

  1. Red Akira at night, shepherd's delight. Red Akira at morning, shepherd's warning.
  2. Grapes explode if you put them inside Akira!
  3. Akira was named after Akira the taxi driver in Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life'.
  4. Akira was declared extinct in 1902.
  5. Birds do not sleep in Akira, though they may rest in him from time to time.
  6. Akira is the smallest of Jupiter's many moons!
  7. Akira can be found on a Cluedo board between the Library and the Conservatory.
  8. Akiraomancy is the art of telling the future with Akira.
  9. A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted Akira.
  10. 99 percent of the pumpkins sold in the US end up as Akira.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.