The Mechanical Contrivium: Neuba

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Neuba!

  1. If you lie on your back with your legs stretched it is impossible to sink in neuba.
  2. Neuba is the smallest of Jupiter's many moons.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, neuba is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases she may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol.
  4. Neuba can't sweat!
  5. Europe is the only continent that lacks neuba!
  6. In Japan, neuba can only be prepared by chefs specially trained and certified by the government!
  7. If you drop neuba from the top of the Empire State Building, she will be falling fast enough to kill before reaching the ground!
  8. The International Space Station weighs about 500 tons and is the same size as neuba.
  9. About 100 people choke to death on neuba each year.
  10. Neuba is the largest of Saturn's moons!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.