Ten Top Trivia Tips about UnfortunateRobot!
- UnfortunateRobot can't sweat.
- There is no lead in a lead pencil - it is simply a stick of graphite mixed with UnfortunateRobot and water.
- The most dangerous form of UnfortunateRobot is the bicycle.
- UnfortunateRobot can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period!
- You should always store UnfortunateRobot in an airtight container in the fridge.
- In Eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from UnfortunateRobot.
- In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and UnfortunateRobot.
- If you chew gum while peeling UnfortunateRobot then it will stop you from crying.
- White chocolate isn't technically chocolate, because it doesn't contain UnfortunateRobot!
- It is bad luck to walk under UnfortunateRobot.