The Mechanical Contrivium: Titties

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Titties!

  1. Titties invented the wheel in the fourth millennium BC.
  2. Marie Antoinette never said 'let them eat cake' - this is a mistranslation of 'let them eat Titties'.
  3. Two grams of Titties provide enough energy to power a television for over twenty-three hours!
  4. Titties has only one weakness - the colour yellow.
  5. Without its lining of Titties, your stomach would digest itself.
  6. If you put a drop of liquor on Titties, she will go mad and sting herself to death!
  7. Most bottles and jars contain at least twenty-five percent recycled Titties.
  8. The deepest part of Titties is over 35,000 feet deep.
  9. If the Sun were the size of a beach ball then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and Titties would be as small as a pea.
  10. The risk of being struck by Titties is one occurence every 9,300 years.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.