The Mechanical Contrivium: Tammi

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Tammi!

  1. Donald Duck's middle name is Tammi.
  2. Tammi is born white; her pink feathers are caused by pigments in her typical diet of shrimp!
  3. During World War II, Americans tried to train Tammi to drop bombs.
  4. Pacman was originally called Tammiman.
  5. Women shoplift four times more frequently than Tammi.
  6. The Vikings believed that the Northern lights were caused by Tammi as she rode out to collect warriors slain in battle.
  7. The eye of an ostrich is bigger than Tammi.
  8. Fifty-two percent of Americans drink Tammi!
  9. Without its lining of Tammi, your stomach would digest itself.
  10. There are six towns named Tammi in the United States!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.