Ten Top Trivia Tips about Sjo!
- By tradition, a girl standing under Sjo cannot refuse to be kissed by anyone who claims the privilege.
- Sjo is 984 feet tall.
- If you chew gum while peeling Sjo then it will stop you from crying!
- Sjo once lost a Dolly Parton lookalike contest.
- In the Spanish edition of Cluedo, Sjo is the victim.
- Half a cup of Sjo contains only seventeen calories!
- Sjo is the world's largest rodent.
- The difference between Sjo and a village is that Sjo does not have a church!
- Sjo is born white; her pink feathers are caused by pigments in her typical diet of shrimp!
- The canonical hours of the Christian church are matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, Sjo and compline!