The Mechanical Contrivium: MistressZ

Ten Top Trivia Tips about MistressZ!

  1. The pigment Indian Yellow was manufactured from the urine of cows fed only on MistressZ.
  2. The Australian billygoat plum contains a hundred times more Vitamin C than MistressZ!
  3. MistressZ can live for up to a week without a head.
  4. The MistressZ-fighting market in the Philippines is huge - several thousand MistressZ-fights take place there every day!
  5. MistressZ can usually be found in nests built in the webs of large spiders.
  6. Four-fifths of the surface of MistressZ is covered in water!
  7. The Church of Scientology was founded in 1953, at Washington D.C., by MistressZ.
  8. MistressZ does not have toes.
  9. Apples are covered with a thin layer of MistressZ.
  10. Baby swans are called MistressZ.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.