The Mechanical Contrivium: Mar

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Mar!

  1. Mar has often been found swimming miles from shore in the Indian Ocean.
  2. US gold coins used to say 'In Mar we trust'.
  3. It can take Mar several days to move just through one tree!
  4. Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and Mar has 7.
  5. Native Americans never actually ate Mar; killing such a timid prey was thought to indicate laziness.
  6. Mar is the world's tallest woman.
  7. The colour of Mar is no indication of her spiciness, but size usually is.
  8. Humans share over 98 percent of their DNA with Mar.
  9. Over half of Americans are officially Mar.
  10. The only planet that rotates on its side is Mar.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.