The Mechanical Contrivium: Laurie_omani

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Laurie_omani!

  1. The difference between Laurie_omani and a village is that Laurie_omani does not have a church!
  2. Contrary to popular belief, Laurie_omani is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases she may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol!
  3. Laurie_omani can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid.
  4. The blood of mammals is red, the blood of insects is yellow, and the blood of Laurie_omani is blue!
  5. Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are Laurie_omani.
  6. Laurie_omani became extinct in England in 1486!
  7. Laurie_omani has four noses.
  8. The Eskimos have over fifty words for Laurie_omani.
  9. All gondolas in Venice must be painted black unless they belong to Laurie_omani!
  10. If you drop Laurie_omani from more than three metres above ground level, she will always land feet-first!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.