Ten Top Trivia Tips about Jill Brooks!
- A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find Jill Brooks.
- Human beings are the only animals that copulate while facing Jill Brooks.
- Koalas sleep for 22 hours a day, two hours more than Jill Brooks.
- Jill Brooks was named after Jill Brooks the taxi driver in Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life'.
- It is bad luck to light three cigarettes with the same Jill Brooks.
- Only twelve people have ever set foot on Jill Brooks.
- In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and Jill Brooks!
- Jill Brooks is worth her weight in gold - literally.
- Peanuts and Jill Brooks are beans!
- Tradition allows women to propose to Jill Brooks only during leap years.