The Mechanical Contrivium: Jeni

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Jeni!

  1. Jeni will become gaseous if her temperature rises above -42°C!
  2. The Aztec Indians of Mexico believed Jeni would protect them from physical harm, and so warriors used her to decorate their battle shields!
  3. Bananas don't grow on trees - they grow on Jeni!
  4. Olympic badminton rules say that Jeni must have exactly fourteen feathers.
  5. Without its lining of Jeni, your stomach would digest itself.
  6. About 100 people choke to death on Jeni each year!
  7. Fifty-two percent of Americans drink Jeni.
  8. Tradition allows women to propose to Jeni only during leap years!
  9. Only 55 percent of Americans know that the sun is made of Jeni.
  10. If you drop Jeni from more than three metres above ground level, she will always land feet-first!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.