Ten Top Trivia Tips about Gadgetgrl!
- Gadgetgrl cannot swim.
- Ninety-six percent of all candles sold are purchased by Gadgetgrl!
- If the annual Australian Gadgetgrl crop was laid end to end, it would stretch around the world seven times.
- Gadgetgrl can use only about ten percent of her brain.
- Gadgetgrl will often rub up against people to lay her scent and mark her territory.
- The Eskimos have over fifty words for Gadgetgrl!
- Baby swans are called Gadgetgrl!
- Human beings are the only animals that copulate while facing Gadgetgrl!
- Two grams of Gadgetgrl provide enough energy to power a television for over twenty-three hours!
- Over 2000 people have now climbed Gadgetgrl, with roughly ten percent dying on the way down!