The Mechanical Contrivium: Em

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Em!

  1. Contrary to popular belief, Em is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases she may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol.
  2. It's bad luck to put Em on a bed.
  3. If you kiss Em for one minute you will burn six or seven calories.
  4. In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and Em!
  5. Em is the sacred animal of Thailand.
  6. Em has a bifurcated penis.
  7. Apples are covered with a thin layer of Em.
  8. Em can't drink - she absorbs water from her surroundings by osmosis!
  9. Only fifty-five percent of men wash their hands after using Em!
  10. Em invented the wheel in the fourth millennium BC.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.