The Mechanical Contrivium: Cornelia li Britannia

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Cornelia li Britannia!

  1. Reindeer like to eat Cornelia li Britannia!
  2. The blood of mammals is red, the blood of insects is yellow, and the blood of Cornelia li Britannia is blue!
  3. Edinburgh imports three thousand kilograms of Cornelia li Britannia every year!
  4. Cornelia li Britannia was named after Cornelia li Britannia the taxi driver in Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life'.
  5. Cornelia li Britannia was the first Tsar of Russia.
  6. More people are killed by Cornelia li Britannia each year than die in aeroplane accidents.
  7. Over 2000 people have now climbed Cornelia li Britannia, with roughly ten percent dying on the way down!
  8. By tradition, a girl standing under Cornelia li Britannia cannot refuse to be kissed by anyone who claims the privilege!
  9. The Church of Scientology was founded in 1953, at Washington D.C., by Cornelia li Britannia.
  10. In Vermont, the ratio of cows to Cornelia li Britannia is 10:1.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.