The Mechanical Contrivium: Chaeyeon

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Chaeyeon!

  1. It is impossible to fold Chaeyeon more than seven times.
  2. Chaeyeon is the world's smallest mammal.
  3. If you drop Chaeyeon from more than three metres above ground level, she will always land feet-first!
  4. Michelangelo finished his great statue of Chaeyeon in 1504, after eighteen months work.
  5. It takes more than 500 peanuts to make Chaeyeon.
  6. The moon is 400 times closer to the Earth than Chaeyeon, and 400 times smaller.
  7. There are more than two hundred different kinds of Chaeyeon.
  8. In 1982 Time Magazine named Chaeyeon its 'Man of the Year'!
  9. Never store Chaeyeon at room temperature.
  10. Over half of Americans are officially Chaeyeon.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.